ok, so this is the BIG one. drumroll please…
for the last year or so i’ve had the extreme pleasure of working with DAVID HAZAN and LUCAS GATTONI on DEATH DROP which will be being published by the good folk at SCOUT COMICS this june.
towards the end of 2021 david got in touch to ask if i’d be interested in jumping on a new series he was writing; a queer-crime noir exploring the dangers of internalised homophobia and the power of drag and at this point i was already feverishly banging out OH MY GOD HELLO YES PLEASE in the email reply field.
People. this book is EXTREMELY fun. Gritty action, sassy banter abound and a gripping mystery that will leave you hanging from a cliff’s edge at the end of every issue- what more could you ask for?
oh, maybe a issue #1 variant by LIANA KANGAS (😵);
but honestly, i don’t think it’s still quite sunk in that i’m doing interiors on a limited series that’s going to be on actual shelves in actual comic book stores… and i don’t think i could have asked for better collaborators for my first (extended) rodeo. David is an utter professional and has done an amazing job of managing this project (on top of writing about 5,000 other comics ((including the smash-hit NOTTINGHAM)) and, ya know, BEING A LAWYER) and Lucas’ lettering is absolutely chef’s-kiss-god-tier work. also massive shout out to MELISSA MESZAROS who’s been handling marketing and put together this fantastic press release which goes into a bit more detail about the series.
as you may know, pre-orders can make or break a book. if you’d like to get in early on issue #1 here’s the PREVIEWS WORLD LISTING (APR231794) and LUNAR DISTRIBUTION LISTING. here’s a little peek to get you going…
(cover art by Nick Roche (inks) and JP Jordan (colours))
in other comics news, i’m _extremely_ excited to say that I’ll be teaming up once more with serial collaborator OLIVER GERLACH for Limit Break Comic's norse horror anthology FRACTURED REALMS. we've previously worked together on a bunch of different shorts spanning a whole gamete of genres including;
Fourth-wall smashing literally fiction!
Sports ball romance! (complete with upsetting sentient egg sports balls!)
crime noir! with wine-gods!!
Red! freaking!! Sonja!!!
i recently got to read a draft of Ollie’s script and it’s going to be a whole other kettle of (DEEPLY unsetteling) fish. rest assured, you ain’t never seen Beowulf like this D:
There’s only a few days left to back the kickstarter which you can hop on HERE
BROKEN FRONTIER has the full skinny ( which you can read here) but this exhibition features some utter knock-out comics talent and i absolutely can’t wait to see what people are putting on show for this :D
This is SO AWESOME ALEX! Great to hear your news and see all the sweet work you're making :D
Yesss this is amazing, I'm so excited for Death Drop!!