May(ish... but more like FOC for Death Drop #1 is TOMORROW 😱)
just a quick one- a proper round up of Things (because there have been a few!) will be coming later this month- but i wanted to fire this off because the Final Order Cut-off for Death Drop #1 IS TOMORROW!!!
final order cut off is basically the last day retailers can submit their orders to our publisher, Scout Comics, so they can determine the print run. David has this little habit of writing comics that sell out so if you want to be sure of getting a copy of our new number one contact your local comic book store today!
Diamond: APR231794 // Lunar: 0423SC279
you can also pre-order directly from PREVIEWS WORLD, SCOUT COMICS and FORBIDDEN PLANET
and, if you’re on the fence at all about it, here’s what some INCREDIBLY cool people have had to say about it;
(sorry not sorry for the eye melting graphics. a massive thank you to DAVID BOOHER, STEVE ORLANDO and ANAS ABULHAKO who all do wonderful work and you should absolutely check out).
THANK YOU AGAIN TO EVERYONE WHO’S HELPED SPREAD THE WORD ABOUT OUR BOOK!!! honestly, we’re all super psyched for you to read it and INCREDIBLY grateful for all the support everybody’s shown.
p.s in case you needed any FURTHER convincing, HERE COME A MYSTERIOUS LEATHER DADDY;
till next time!